Wow, Loogie’s posting again 8) ! Yes… and I have good reason to. If you have not already read my latest journal blog, first do so here: DVD Shitz.
Now that that’s out of the way… I’d like to talk briefly about the possibilities for what to do with a DVD for personal use. They are the following (taken from a convo I had w/ someone about this):
1. Rip onto a hard drive, w/ menus and subtitles (much more space), mount w/ Daemon, to play w/ PowerDVD.
2. Rip and turn into an .AVI, w/ no menus or subtitles (less space), to play w/ any video program.
3. Rip and burn back onto a DVD+R, in DVD quality w/ menus and subtitles, to play in a DVD player.
4. Rip and turn into an .AVI, w/ no menus or subtitles, and burn back onto a CD-R (VCD) (has to be approx. 1:30 long maximum), to play in a DVD player.
5. Rip and turn into an .AVI, w/ no menus or subtitles, and burn back onto a CD-R (data) (has to be 640-870MB maximum), to play w/ any video program.
My journal described how to use DVD Decrypter’s ISO mode to copy a DVD and burn it back onto a DVD+R. However, I would like to add that experimenting w/ File mode (.VBOs) could be useful in separating large DVD movies (bigger than 4.7GB) onto multiple DVD+Rs. Also, you need to use IFO mode if you want to skip burning back onto a DVD+R and encode it straight to an .AVI. FlasK MPEG does a brilliant and easy job of this. Here are the apps required to rip a DVD and turn it into an .AVI:

I’d like to add that all of this is perfectly legal… as far as I know 😕 . Also, I’m sure there are other aspects of DVDs that I am yet to learn, which may modify what’s been explained here.
And, for closing: here’s the first part of the Productivity section of my TopLaunch© toolbar. I use these beloved 7 appz for all of my DVD/CD stuffz. Click for descriptions.