Tinkle Tinkle Poop Plop

I couldn’t think of a title that wasn’t trite, so enjoy the quote from Beavis. On to business…

I’ve been playing a lot of CS: Condition Zero lately. I flip flop between the botmatches and “Deleted Scenes”, but of course the botmatches are the most fun. The old models suck, though, so I replaced them with some of my better downloaded ones. Just my luck, they didn’t work right. I spent the last two weeks figuring out how to fix them, though. In the course, I devised two methods of upgrading the models to CZ standard, one of which I wrote a program for in VB. As I believe other CZ players will have this problem, I wrote a guide to upgrading CS models. It can be found here.

Other than that, there have been no other updates. Some Columns are still in limbo currently. Given the end of the semester for college and the end of my relationship with Beckie as well as my lack of acquiring a job, I’ll unfortunately have a lot of free time, now 😕 . At least the site will get some upgrades, perhaps even a new graphics set soon. Although, in the gloom of my current love life, the bloody walls are strangely tranquil. Which reminds me: Gandalf and I have recently blogged on our mixed pool of emotions and thoughts. Enjoy.

Peace. Fuck you. Whatever.

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