I just finished my second playthrough of the new Deus Ex game, Human Revolution. It has a few bugs but is generally the best game I’ve played in a while. Though, I must say that the original Deus Ex is still a smidge better. So far I haven’t given a full review, but if I did so it’d be on Metacritic where I’ve been doing my other reviews.
Also, in my last playthrough of DX:HR, I took a bunch of screenshots of the weapon mods and Praxis Kits that I found and then gave descriptions of where they’re located. With Steam’s nifty new screenshot management, I was able to easily upload them all to my Steam page for your reference. It’s probably the beginnings of a new DX guide.
So I’m still doing a ton of gaming since I started working full-time and less of being productive. However, one thing I’ve been contemplating is converting my site to WordPress for a few reasons. It would add commenting features for all my posts and other content, and I’m hoping that getting more feedback would be a good motivator for me. Also, having a slick backend should help me post more often. Plus I’ve been using WP a lot at work lately and I’m pretty comfortable developing for it now so it shouldn’t be much trouble to extend it to my needs.
The only thing I’m stumbling on is the design of the new WordPress site. I’ve been toying with a mockup for the last month but I’m not sure I like any of it. I’ve been trying to keep some of the colors and graphics of the current site’s style. Maybe I need to start over from scratch on this.
- SnakeByte Studios Wordpress Redesign Mockup Version 1
- SnakeByte Studios Wordpress Redesign Mockup Version 2
- SnakeByte Studios Wordpress Redesign Mockup Version 3