Status: Release/Final
Game: Rise of Nations
Language: Visual Basic 6
Platform: Win9x, WinNT, Win2000/XP
Downloads: 874
Requires: VB6 Runtimes, MS Common Controls 6, and MSXML 4.0. These are available in the Full Version if needed.
This is probably the last major release of this program besides any necessary bug fixes, minor additions, and scrippets. RSM is now able to check the internet for these small ...
Requires: VB6 Runtimes, MS Common Controls 6, and MSXML 4.0. These are available in the Full Version if needed.
This is probably the last major release of this program besides any necessary bug fixes, minor additions, and scrippets. RSM is now able to check the internet for these small updates.
RoN Script Maker is a tool for use with Rise of Nations and its expansion (Thrones and Patriots) that seeks to make implementing scripts in games of RON simple and intuitive. It's worth mentioning that this program was designed for making scripts to be used in Quick Matches and Multiplayer, and not scenario building. So, basically, this is all for fun, giving you more control over your game setups while adding some spice at the same time.
It features...
- The ability to easily disable all units, buildings, and techs available in RON and RON:TP.
- Preresearching of units, buildings, and techs.
- Editing of unit and building stats. (RoN: Health and Build Time. TP: Armor, Attack, Min/Max Range, Line-of-Sight, Speed, and Max Craft.)
- Additionally, you can disable AI, plunder, attrition (TP only), costs, completion bonuses, etc.
- You can change amount of plunder (TP only) and citizen idle times.
- 'Scrippet' implementation. Easily allows you to load multiple dynamic script snippets. Scrippets follow a simple format that is friendly to other RoN script developers. They add new gameplay elements such as smashing units with tanks, Generals healing, and capturing artillery.
- Scrippets also have options that users can manipulate to suit their taste.
- Changing from RON to RON:TP game mode takes only one click.
- Saves scripts in both Big Huge Script (bhs) format and a native file format that is easy to reload.
- Program can organize (delete, rename, save as) all scripts created by it.
- Compact and intuitive graphical user interface. Statusbar that displays essential information.
- The program will find your RON and RON:TP script path automatically.
- Launching of RON on exit (user preference).
- After saving a script, you only need to select it in the RON game setup to use.
Changed in 1.0:
-updated tabstops.
-updated included saves.
-updated scrippet documentation.
-added internet checking for updates and option to check automatically.
-statusbar pops up on click to show last 25 messages.
-removed functions that weren't needed anymore.
-added help messages for new elements.
-added scrippet options editor.
-added routine to parse the code for scrippet option variable tags: <<VarName>>
-added saving/loading of scrippet options to internal save file and scrippet xml file.
-added internal store for holding scrippet options.
-fixed updowns for objectstat editing not using the default values.
-added set_preq() trick. sets prerequisites for researched techs and upgrades to a lowlevel library tech that is preresearched.
-fixed Continental Marines type; was listed just as Marines.
-if the game mode is T&P, then research and tech loops use num_players() instead of 8 as the max number of players. may save a little load time.
-objectstat and research lists are checked for disabled types. if a type is disabled, it is shown in red.
-added some new context-menu functions for the type, research, and objectstat lists to cross-reference the same type on other lists.
-updated the Types.csv to reflect research list additions.
-added colors to types and research lists to prevent confusing the two.
-added research tab and list. user can select techs and upgrades to be preresearched.
-fixed a crash when minimizing.
-removed victory/defeat messages cause they never worked anyways. moved plunder and autopeasant to the toggles tab and removed game settings tab. renamed toggles tag to game settings. phew.
-added option to edit scrippets in new scrippet builder or notepad.
-added option to save app position, size, and state on exit.
-updated scrippets and added code to take advantage of code parsing capabilities.
-cleaned up error formatting. added version number to error log output.
-finished coding support app for easily making XML scrippets.
-recoded entire scrippet implementation to use pure xml. scrippets have an entirely new format based on the change to xml and will need to be updated.
-new command buttons in scrippet tab to edit the selected scrippet in notepad and open code parsing options.
-automatic column adjustments to lists option.
-maximizing and resizing above default size now works.
-performance impact rating (PIR) added to scrippets.
-max craft added to object stat editing. this is only usable by particular units--generals, aircraft, scouts, etc.
-code for scrippet dynamicsaver won't be compiled if there's no scrippets that use it being compiled.
-object stat editor will always open on double-click now. double-click doesn't toggle enabling the edited object stats unless it is disabled.
-RSM won't ask to run ron or run ron automatically if it's already running.
-added some error checking when finding ron path in registry.
Changed in 0.9.29:
-added debug mode for scrippets: displays special debug messages during script runtime if this option is enabled. updated development documentation to reflect changes.
-fixed the loaded script status and selection after saving as a new script.
Changed in 0.9.27:
-fixed a little annoyance when setting up the script list after a save causing the loaded script to be unselected.
-fixed a bug where the object stats in the RSM save file were not cleared before saving again. this caused changes to be appended and unremovable.
-email links in the about tab now get my current email address from should still open your default email app (tested with outlook), but also leaves a blank browser window open (tested with ie).
Changed in 0.9:
-new installer for "full release version". it includes all the redistributable elements that RSM needs. it also has the nifty installshield interface and makes shortcuts and (gasp!) uninstallation possible.
-did some finishing touches: help messages, tab stops, and changed all string references of RON to RoN.
-added a view button next to load that will attempt to open the bhs file in notepad.
-adding the about tab stuff with release version info and a crap-load of links to mail, download, view included texts, and even IM Snake.
-compiling of objects stats implemented (test compiles within RoN successful).
-more bugs ironed out of stats editor. added reset to defaults command.
-saving and loading of object stats finally implemented.
-options to remove comments from scrippets when compiling and to run ron on exit.
-prompt to run ron on exit window added.
-removed some old includes code that was floating around from v0.8.
-updown buttons in the object stats editor now automatically increase/decrease when held down for 500ms. also recoded the way the editor loads values.
-buildingrules.xml also loads to be edited in the object stats. can edit everything but speed (obviously).
-added help messages for new elements. disabled a paranoid help system fix from last release.
-fixed all the tabstops.
-popup menu for various functions added on right-click of the object stat list. also added a simple way to switch between the same unit on the types and object stat list.
-changes to the tabs. added RSM Options and About tabs. some tabs give focus to their listbox on click.
-object stats editor coded with percent and value fields and updowns.
-progress shown while loading the list setups (after the app initializes and when changing game modes). load time was getting long with the addition of XML reading the unitrules.
-did a debug on WinME. no errors found once MSXML 4.0 was installed.
-XML reader added with MSXML DOM for getting unit stats from unitrules.xml. initially uses MSXML 4.0, may change to 1.0 for compatibility.
Changed in 0.8.16:
-added auto peasant time to game settings
-more changes to the help message system. now it doesn't display when the main window loses focus. less CPU usage in some circumstances.
-changes to the types list. consolidated the two lists for ron and t&p into one list; added ages (in case one wants to put a cap on end age?); and fixed some issues with subgroups.
Changed in 0.8:
-errorlog.txt created for keeping log of all errors.
-gui changed around again because the script directory text boxes weren't needed anymore. tabstrip and script list are now taller.
-reading of registry to find out if ron and rontp are installed and to where. overriding these is possible via editing of ronscript.ini.
-removed code module for "browse for folder" dialog, because it isn't needed anymore.
-compiler will remove any comments or commented lines in scrippets.
-compiler will skip empty tags in scrippets.
-removed includes because they weren't worth using.
-changes to the help display; less CPU usage now.
Changed in 0.7:
-changed gui around some. script list is now wider and types list is included in the tabstrip. no more funky resize button.
-saved scripts and scrippets now have their own subdirectories.
-initial scrippet support for compiling, loading available, and saving/loading from native save files
-statusbar for displaying info, help, and warning messages. also shows loaded script and version.
-error checking setup throughout the compile process to display any errors that occur as warning messages without the program crashing.
-help messages added on mouseover.
-info messages added on end of processing with time it took to process.
-included new scrippets: interrogation and artillery capture
-included scrippet documentation for developers
RoN Script Maker 1.0 Full | 615 Downloads |
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RoN Script Maker 1.0 Lite | 259 Downloads |
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