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Snake's Set Items 0.7 7-10-06
Status: Beta/Abandoned
Game: The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Downloads: 137

This mod will add set items to Oblivion like the ones in games such as Dungeon Siege 2 and Diablo 2: the more of a set you've got equiped, the more bonus effects you receive. See the included document for a complete item and bonus listing.

So far, this mod includes two sets, one designed for Thieves and the other for Mages. I did this mod because I find the items in Oblivion to be ...

Lightning Speed 1.11 7-06-06
Status: Release/Final
Game: The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Downloads: 955

This makes ranged shock damage spells travel at lightning speed. I made this mod because I thought it sucked that the shock spells looked more like a sneeze than a lightning bolt. This mod makes the lightning projectile about six times faster, meaning it can go about 100m in a second. So it's not quite lightning speed, but if it was set any higher, you wouldn't see the bolt at all.


Austerlitz 5-23-06
Status: Release/Final
Game: Rise of Nations
Downloads: 81

This scenario originally began in hopes that it could be entered into the RoN Heaven "Napoleonic Era Scenario Design Contest" of Feb. 2004. I spent many days just setting up the scenario based on historical records and maps. Everything was as historically accurate as is possible in RoN. But then I realized that the AI could not handle the scenario nearly effective enough, and I didn't have enough ...

Pinch Purse Spell 5-04-06
Status: Release/Final
Game: The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Downloads: 80

This mod adds the Pinch Purse spell for purchase from Trayvond at the Cheydinhal Mages Guild. Pinch Purse causes the targeted NPC to drop their gold in a purse. It's a spell for mages that want to moonlight as a thief. However, the purse only holds the gold from the NPC, not keys or other useful pickpocketable items.

The purse will disappear when you take the gold from it. If the ...

Uber Resources T&P v2 9-24-05
Status: Beta/Abandoned
Game: Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots
Downloads: 91

The original purpose of this mod was to make the rare resources worth fighting for by doubling their usefulness. The bonus effects have been balanced to make all rares equally useful. Merchants also got a stat increase to make them more robust given that the rares are more desireable. In the second version of this mod, I added the rares from the T&P Expansion CTW Campaigns. However, those rares ...

Nine Inch Nails Shirt 9-04-05
Status: Release/Final
Game: GTA: San Andreas
Downloads: 69

This is just a little shirt texture mod I did for GTA:SA. It replaces the Pro Laps Black T-Shirt with a black Nine Inch Nails shirt from the 1990 Pretty Hate Machine tour. I thought the shirt fit the game period and feel perfectly. And how often do you see a black guy sporting a NIN shirt?

Uber Resources 1-09-04
Status: Release/Final
Game: Rise of Nations
Downloads: 69

This is the original (non-expansion) version of my RoN resource mod. The purpose of it was to make the rare resources worth fighting for by doubling their usefulness. The bonus effects have been balanced to make all rares equally useful. Merchants also got a stat increase to make them more robust given that the rares are more desireable. Here's the full list of what this mod does: ...

Snake's PODBot Waypoint Pack 1-07-03
Status: Release/Final
Game: Counter-Strike
Downloads: 176

This is just a pack of waypoints for use with the popular bot for vanilla Counter-Strike, PODBot. One year while I was on a CS trip, I found it a fun challenge to lay out waypoints on some maps that either didn't have any or the ones they had were shitty. These waypoints should all be of high quality; I tried to get really creative with them, finding all those little camping spots and every ...

GTA3 Snake Skin 1-01-03
Status: Release/Final
Game: Grand Theft Auto 3
Downloads: 72

I was tired of playing as someone who looked like a mute, ignorant, long-time crack addict in GTA3. This mod replaces him with my best effort at a Snake (me) skin. It looks snake, it looks like a pro--a middle-class criminal with brains. So, if you're tired of playing with the crackhead, give Snake a try. Notice the classic, blue coat, the airwalks, typical jeans, glasses, and skin so white that ...

jDoom Texture/Mod Pack 10-20-02
Status: Release/Abandoned
Game: Doom
Downloads: 269

This is a pack of 37 redone, high-resolution flats (floor and ceiling textures) I did for the jDoom port. It's mostly just for the first (shareware) episode of Doom, though. The pack also contains a mod that provides custom, per-level fog settings and another that emites fumes from nukage barrels and pools. Kickstart addon files are included.

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