Tag Archives: video

Snow and Snipers

I’m a little late with the news of our glorious snow and ice, but consider this a postscript to that. I have uploaded the new video of the snow, for all of you broadband people. It has decent quality, because I used the DivX codec for video and MP3 for the audio (the background track skips, though; dunno why). Thing is, I recorded all three scenes during the night, and the camera didn’t pick it up quite that well. Still, it is just as good of a video as my last one. Download it with the pictures below before I have to delete it (14MB is a crunch on the 200MB of the server).

And now a followup on some even older news. Sniper, a scenario for SC: Brood War, has been uploaded. It is still not complete, but I have done some trigger adjustments, more balancing, and included documentation (with a walkthrough). I’m going to design the last objective, and then do some post production stuff, like a script which Que and I could read off, some other sound effect, intro vocals with Loogie (the dropship), outro with Bleys (the Battlecruiser), and all the sequencing for the aforementioned. So far, I’ve worked on this scenario about 30 hours, most of which was spent balancing the gameplay and figuring out how to make the best of triggers. One set of triggers that I did fix today were the ones for resource gain from kills. Now, all kills are used, as before if you nuked 8 guys at once, you wouldn’t get any resources from that. Linkage. Screenage:

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