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Abit VT6X4 Tweak Guide 9-06-01
Revision Date: 9-10-08
Type: Hardware
Views: 859

I did this guide back in the day when people were still trying to overclock and tweak every little bit of performance out of their systems. I did a helluva lot of tests and benchmarks with every tweak I could muster for my Abit VT6X4; and when I came across a huge memory tweak, I had to write it up in this article. Later, video card tweaks were also added. Any user of a VIA Apollo Pro 133A chipset may find this guide useful.

Analysis of PC Air Cooling 5-20-07
Revision Date: 9-09-08
Type: Hardware
Views: 2198

Using graphs of sensor readings taken from Motherboard Monitor, I analyze some of the factors that can affect a PC's temperatures.

Novice Guide to Upgrading Video Cards 5-21-04
Revision Date: 9-11-08
Type: Hardware
Views: 442

When I was upgrading my video card from a GeForce 2 Ultra to a Radeon 9600XT, I thought it'd be a good idea to document what I did for the novice upgrader. It covers the steps to making an educated buying decision and trouble-free installation with minimal technical knowledge.

Snake's GheTTo Hardware Modifications 5-04-01
Revision Date: 9-10-08
Type: Hardware
Views: 732

In 2001, I began this short-lived experiment into ghetto computer modding. It's generally a rip-off of other ideas at the time, but some new stuff; most are of the case mod type.

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