Logitech MouseWare Application-Specific Buttons 5-21-06
Status: Beta/Work-in-Progress
Language: Visual Basic 6
Platform: Win2000/XP
Downloads: 203

This is an app I made to address the inability of the Logitech drivers and software to change mouse button settings according to the app that has the focus. As an alternative, you may want to use the Logigamer software. My app only works with the MX510, MX500, MX700, and MX310 right now, but it has the possibility of working with any of the (older) Mouseware mice. (If you have a newer, SetPoint mouse, try uberOptions.) While my app doesn't allow some of the more advanced features like Logigamer, it does have an edge with a different method of notifying the Logitech mouse software drivers of scheme changes (it uses a message system instead of the more common restarting of EM_EXEC). This makes it a little more responsive. I also think my user-interface and scheme settings are easier to use.

The software is split into a monitoring app that sits in the systray and a settings app. The settings app can add programs by browsing or selecting open programs. All the functions of the Mouseware are available to set to buttons, including keystrokes. You can also select to add a program to the games compatibility list for the Logitech software. The monitor app uses about 2-3MB ...

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