Status: Release/Final
Game: Unreal
Media Format: Music (MP3)
Downloads: 971
This is a selection of 16 tracks from the games Unreal and Unreal Tournament that I converted from MOD to MP3 at the same time that I did the Deus Ex Soundtrack. So, the conversion process was much the same: cleaned up samples, arranged, recorded, encoded to V3 VBR MP3.
The tracks present in this download are mostly my favorites. All musical credit goes to their respective authors.
- Unreal - All Hallows Sunset
- Unreal - Dusk Horizon
- Unreal - Isotoxin
- Unreal - Main Title
- Unreal - Nightvision pt1
- Unreal - Nightvision pt2
- Unreal - Number 9
- Unreal - Queen of Death
- Unreal - Shared Dig
- Unreal - Surfacing
- Unreal Tournament - Enigma
- Unreal Tournament - Foregone Destruction
- Unreal Tournament - Mechanism Eight
- Unreal Tournament - Organic
- Unreal Tournament - Three Wheels Turning
- Unreal Tournament - Underworld II