This WordPress plugin will add a widget that displays your Steam gaming statistics. It employs caching to keep your site’s performance up and make it less susceptible to Steam outages or errors.
The widget comes with the following preset looks (see screenshots) that you can easily switch between:
- Profile Only
- Profile Small
- Profile + Games
- Games Only
- Games Grid
- Full-page Profile
You can also customize the widget to suit your needs by editing the templates, which support the following attributes pulled from your Steam profile:
- Recently Played Games
- Game Name
- Steam URL
- Player Stats URL
- Icon URL (32)
- Small Logo URL (120 x 45)
- Large Logo URL (184 x 69)
- Time Played Last Two Weeks
- Time Played Total
- Player Profile
- Steam Username
- 64-bit Steam ID
- Status
- Profile URL
- Avatar Icon URL (32)
- Avatar Medium URL (64)
- Avatar Large URL (184)
- Time Played Last Two Weeks
- Profile Only preset
- Profile Small preset
- Profile + Games preset
- Games Only preset
- Games Grid preset
- Widget options
1.6.1 – 12/18/13
-workaround for Steam bug where hours played last two weeks is reported as 0.0
-fixed case where stats conditional was true when there were no stats
1.6 – 8/6/13
-added two new presets
-added basic shortcode support
-added ability to not have a widget title
-added profile URL pattern
-added conversion for Steam IDs to Profile IDs
-various template tweaks
1.5 – 7/23/13
-added four preset templates
-added conditional patterns for stats and user status
-added stats URL for games
-simplified widget options
-fixed minor bug with curl (thanks Andrewsk1)
1.0.1 – 5/29/12
-a few default template fixes
-more error checking for the Steam API output
1.0 – 5/13/12
-First public release
need to clean up this plugin, separate the styles into a css file so that the main code is easier to follow to fix any WP errors
you might want to then post it on github where it can be fixed easily down the road
it appears that there are some syntax errors present
Sure, I’ll get right on that. 😛
They’re decent ideas, though, honestly. I just have other priorities right now.
Can you use this to display a steam groups members currently playing?
There is no group support. However, you can add a widget for every group member, which might suit your needs provided you have a small group.
Is it possible to use this plugin to just get a list of steam games?
nope, but steam does make data on games owned by a user available.
How would I go about making this plugin show the details of the currently logged in steam user? My users will only be able to register via steamlogin, so will all have a steamid available in their profile data.
What you’re describing is not a function of this plugin. The best you can do with multi-users right now is to make creative use of the visibility settings on multiple steam widgets.
Your plugin broke.
Can you be more specific. Because it’s still working for me. What version of WP?
Sorry, WP version 4.5.3. The images broke.
One of them is
Seems to work now and looks like a valid image URL. What you probably saw was just Steam servers being flaky.
Still broken –
Maybe there is a problem with your connection or browser, because it all looks fine to me.
It was because of an ad blocker. Thanks for looking into it!
It used to work for me but a fresh install of version 4.2.4 has a problem. Regardless of widget settings I get the following error:
Notice: Undefined variable: game_output in /srv/www/wpbrokkr/wp-content/plugins/advanced-steam-widget/steam_widget.php on line 454
And so it seems that whatever is output defaults to your profile (Profile: Snake. Games played: Counterstrike Source @ 5.4 hours over the past two weeks)
You can see the error displayed on my new site:
and contrast it with a working model on the old site running an older version of WordPress:
Apologies. It turns out I was a bit too hasty: Apparently it just took some time for the correct data to be downloaded. And the error print was due to me having ‘debug’ set to true in wp-config. Everything works as intended. Thanks for the plugin.
2 questions: 1) Is this compatible with wordpress version 3.9.1? and 2) if yes, how do i get this to work from my dashboard?
I tried, but I find that one of the steam ID does not work on my site.
I tried identifiers:
custum url
What could be the problem?
The site can be seen in the phenomenon.
Seems to be working now.
Do you make paid modifications for this widget ?
I could. Depends on what you want done and if you’re willing to pay a reasonable compensation.
Is this plugin still being maintained. I see that it received an update just about two months ago (acording to WordPress), but I’m having trouble seeing that it works. I enter my ID, but it’s not fetching any data.
It’s clearly being maintained and is working seeing as it’s on both my and your sites’ sidebars and showing the latest data fine. Stop being so alarmist, guy.
Wow. defensive. 😉
I was merely asking, as it didn’t fetch any data for me for several hours while trying to get it to work.
Now it does, and I am very happy. haha
It looks clean and nice. Good work.
Have you thought in a stand alone version?
based on your review, i assume you mean a version that’s more than just a widget. yes, i’ve thought about it. unfortunately, the code as it’s written now is specifically for widgets and the shortcode was just a hack to put the widget wherever you put the shortcode. i’d have to rewrite a lot of the plugin to make it work better for embedding in posts and pages, and i don’t really have much desire to do so at the moment. but if more people download the plugin and request this, i may consider it. 😉
Is it possible to use this as a shortcode? Any plans on implementing that in the future?
actually, i was just thinking about doing so the other day. adding shortcode support should be a cinch, but then I also have to create a template for full-width display, too. but you should expect it eventually. 😉
Is there any chance you could give us newbies a look at what we would need to do to get the widget to look the way it appears in the second image?
Try inserting the following before %GAMES_TWOWEEKS% in the main template.