Snake's Set Items 0.7 7-10-06
Status: Beta/Abandoned
Game: The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Downloads: 137

This mod will add set items to Oblivion like the ones in games such as Dungeon Siege 2 and Diablo 2: the more of a set you've got equiped, the more bonus effects you receive. See the included document for a complete item and bonus listing.

So far, this mod includes two sets, one designed for Thieves and the other for Mages. I did this mod because I find the items in Oblivion to be a bit bland compared to other RPGs. The two main item factors missing are prefixes and sets. Since prefixes/suffixes are essentially impossible to add, I started this set item mod. Nothing makes me more excited in an RPG than finding that set item loot. And nothing requires more decision than choosing to break a set. But hopefully, my items and bonuses are so unique and powerful (though not godly) that you won't have to go through those decisions. This mod is best suited for new characters.

SnakeByte Content Browser 2.0b (bld 12-4-10)