Doom Levels

Fist Fuck

Base Game: Doom 2
Compatible with:
Original game and all ports
Recommended port: Chocolate Doom

An adventure of fisting awaits you in this deceptively small map of tight corridors and courtyards. Follow the blood canals if you need guidance, or otherwise just chew through monster gibs like Pac-man through pellets. The level contains two secrets that aren’t too difficult to find if you pay attention to the map. All the difficulty levels are fully fleshed out, although co-op is not recommended. Starting with UV is not advised unless you’re desperately in need of a good, hard fisting.

Custom MIDI music is included. The video above shows what is basically a walkthrough on UV if you need or care to watch that long; however, the secrets are not shown.


Fist Fuck Doom Level

65 kB - 7Z