Deus Ex Soundtrack

Deus Ex Soundtrack Cover Art

This is the complete original Deus Ex soundtrack which I have remastered and converted into more-easily listenable formats. I did this compilation because the official soundtrack is missing a large number of tracks, and some of those that are present are not the same versions from the original PC game (probably closer to the PS2 versions).

This remaster fixes a number of issues present in the original tracker format music. The samples were redone to remove hissing, pops, clicks, or anything that didn’t sound right. The various sections (combat, exploration, conversation, etc.) were arranged in such a way as to be musically enjoyable while not leaving too much cut out. And some track endings were modified to be more pleasing to listen to.

The tracks were recorded using playback from ModPlug Player with certain EQ, resample, and stereo separation tweaks. Then their volume was balanced to more conventional levels before being exported to their final formats. MP3 files were encoded using Lame with “-V 3” VBR. Files are named such that they are in chronological game order.



DuClare Chateau

Listen on YouTube

Archive Contents

Filename Filesize
Deus Ex – M00 – 0 – Title.mp3 2.9 MB
Deus Ex – M00 – 1 – Training.mp3 2.1 MB
Deus Ex – M00 – 2 – Intro.mp3 3.1 MB
Deus Ex – M01 – 1 – Liberty Island.mp3 6.5 MB
Deus Ex – M01 – 2 – UNATCO.mp3 5.2 MB
Deus Ex – M02 – 1 – Battery Park.mp3 5.3 MB
Deus Ex – M02 – 2 – NYC Streets 1.mp3 4.2 MB
Deus Ex – M02 – 3 – NYC Bar 2.mp3 3.5 MB
Deus Ex – M03 – 1 – Lebedev Airfield.mp3 4.2 MB
Deus Ex – M05 – 1 – Majestic 12 Laboratories.mp3 5.9 MB
Deus Ex – M05 – 2 – UNATCO Return (Opponent Within).mp3 6.5 MB
Deus Ex – M06 – 1 – Hong Kong Helipad.mp3 3.4 MB
Deus Ex – M06 – 2 – Hong Kong Streets [Wan Chai Market].mp3 6.1 MB
Deus Ex – M06 – 3 – Hong Kong Canal (Desolation).mp3 2.9 MB
Deus Ex – M06 – 4 – Hong Kong Club 1.mp3 3.5 MB
Deus Ex – M06 – 5 – Hong Kong Club 2.mp3 2.0 MB
Deus Ex – M06 – 6 – Versalife.mp3 4.8 MB
Deus Ex – M08 – 1 – NYC Streets 2.mp3 4.3 MB
Deus Ex – M08 – 2 – NYC Bar 1.mp3 2.3 MB
Deus Ex – M09 – 1 – Naval Base.mp3 3.9 MB
Deus Ex – M10 – 1 – Paris Cathedral – Metro.mp3 7.9 MB
Deus Ex – M10 – 2 – Paris Club.mp3 3.1 MB
Deus Ex – M10 – 3 – DuClare Chateau.mp3 6.4 MB
Deus Ex – M12 – 1 – Vandenberg.mp3 3.9 MB
Deus Ex – M12 – 2 – Tunnels (The Nothing).mp3 4.6 MB
Deus Ex – M13 – 1 – OceanLab 1 (Nauticus).mp3 3.7 MB
Deus Ex – M13 – 2 – OceanLab 2.mp3 4.8 MB
Deus Ex – M14 – 1 – Area 51 Bunker (Begin the End).mp3 4.1 MB
Deus Ex – M14 – 2 – Area 51.mp3 5.9 MB
Deus Ex – M14 – 3 – Dark Age Ending.mp3 1.6 MB
Deus Ex – M14 – 4 – Helios Ending.mp3 1.7 MB
Deus Ex – M14 – 5 – Illuminati Ending.mp3 2.3 MB
Deus Ex – M14 – 6 – Credits (The Illuminati).mp3 3.6 MB
Deus Ex – M99 – 1 – Intro (Voiceover).mp3 3.3 MB
Deus Ex – M99 – 2 – Dark Age Ending (Voiceover).mp3 1.6 MB
Deus Ex – M99 – 3 – Helios Ending (Voiceover).mp3 1.7 MB
Deus Ex – M99 – 4 – Illuminati Ending (Voiceover).mp3 2.4 MB
Deus Ex – M99 – 5 – Quotes (Conspiravision).mp3 5.1 MB


MP3 format is for listening (you probably want to download this one). FLAC is for lossless listening, sound editing, or transcoding into other compressions. MOD format is the raw Impulse Tracker files for editing the music composition, but it is also mostly listenable if you have the appropriate player software. UMX format is an experimental version for use in-game.


Deus Ex Soundtrack (MP3)

145 MB - 7Z


Deus Ex Soundtrack (FLAC)

619 MB - 7Z


Deus Ex Soundtrack (MOD)

21 MB - 7Z

Further Listening


98 Responses to Deus Ex Soundtrack

  1. Enthotep FRA says:

    Thank you for this remaster! Please, what is your source for the per-track credits?

    • Enthotep FRA says:

      Besides, comparing the soundtrack with the game music files, it looks like two tracks (at least one of which is heard in the game) are missing:
      – There are two “Paris Club” tracks in the game, though the soundtrack includes only one of them.
      – The infamous “DX Club Mix” is also missing.

      • Snake USA says:

        You can’t exactly go off of the game’s music files, they’re not going to match up with my version of the soundtrack. The bar and club tracks are used somewhat interchangeably in the game despite their filenames. So the “missing Paris club track” is actually used in one of the visits to the New York bar and I have labeled it as such.

        Yeh, I should probably include the DX Club Mix in a future version of the soundtrack. I was never particularly fond of it, and like you said, it’s not really in the main game. It’s just an easter egg if you load up the 99_Endgame4 map. But then, I did add Conspiravision in the last release, so… might as well have them all. 😛

    • Snake USA says:

      I assume you mean for the original composer “artist” tags? I either used the original UMX file’s artist notes (sometimes present in the sample names) or the artist information for the musicbrainz database listing for the GOTY soundtrack. I think they agree with each other, though.

  2. Red USA says:

    Just wondering where the Paris streets/cathedral music is in the mod download? It seems to be absent and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to load the official UMX files from the official release into schism tracker w/o them being nothing but static.

    • Snake USA says:

      Sorry, but I don’t have the mod format versions of those tracks anymore. I explain further in some of the other comments and blog posts.

  3. Kent USA says:

    Hello! Thanks a ton for uploading this soundtrack — Deus Ex is my favorite game ever (I actually worked at Ion Storm on DX2 and Thief 3), and I love the soundtrack, so I’m so glad to have higher quality versions like this.

    Quick question: would you consider doing a release that’s broken into the constituent parts? By which I mean the separate Ambient, Conversation, Action, and Death tracks as standalones? I ask because when listening as background music, I find it jarring to have sudden spikes in intensity; I prefer to make different playlists for different levels of intensity. I’d love to even just have the Ambient and Convo tracks, w/o Action & Death, if that’s simpler.

    Anyway, just figured it can’t hurt to ask. Either way, thanks so much for doing this — and especially for doing a FLAC release.

    • Snake USA says:

      I share your concern about the abruptness of the music intensity changing. It’s certainly not optimal. However, I think it would be just as bad to split the tracks up into their constituent sections as there would be no suitable outros / cross-mixes–most of the sections are designed to loop after all. Also, many of the sections are only around 30 seconds in length, hardly worth giving their own file to, and it would result in close to 100 files.

      I appreciate the feedback, though, and I’ll give it some thought if ever want to work on this project more. It may be nice to have alternative versions of each track with just the action sections removed.

      In lieu, you could accomplish this yourself using either the FLAC or Mod versions of the tracks. In the mod versions, I marked the patterns that started each section. You could use that to quickly isolate and record the sections yourself. Or you could open the FLAC versions in an audio editor and split the waveform up into separate files for each section.

  4. SthVidya USA says:

    I’m afraid the MOD archive file is corrupt. Reupload, please? Thanks for your work on this project!

    • Snake USA says:

      I’m afraid you are mistaken. Please try downloading it again. The md5 hash is 8d42ffa1adc5f1585d937d6460ccf831.

      • SthVidya USA says:

        Here’s the MD5 checksum of the Deus_Ex_Soundtrack_MOD.7z file that gets downloaded: 00a424fc3688cf1993740a571724ac9c
        The archive is corrupt according to both WinRAR and 7-Zip.

        • Snake USA says:

          I’m sorry, but it works for me, so it must be a problem on your end. Make sure you’re not using a multipart downloader.

  5. Xants USA says:

    Hey! I absolutely love this remaster, but I do have a few questions
    1. Do you still have the original project files to these or mod tracker files
    2. Do you also have a FLAC download of this anywhere, I honestly don’t like the 64 kbps sample rate of the tracks
    3. How did you resample some of the, samples, did you track down the original samples and find better quality ones or painfully mess around with the samples themselves to sound better?

    • Snake USA says:

      I do have the tracker files for the most recent version’s changes only (see the changelog for which tracks that is). I’ll probably upload them at some point. Same with the FLAC versions. I just need to work out the metadata for FLAC to make sure I get it right. The MP3 tracks are VBR level 3 encoded, which should be about 160-192kbps overall, so pretty indistinguishable from the original lossless format. I think you’ll survive without a lossless option, but I understand the desire to have it. Not sure where you’re getting 64kbps from–that would sound like ass.

      For the samples, I mostly used hiss reduction in Audition after converting to 16-bit. But there were a myriad of other problems that could need to be dealt with as well: clipping, clicking, hums, loop pops or other erroneous sounds, missing fades, etc. Whatever didn’t sound right to my ears, I fixed. Sometimes the original composers used the same sample over again for different songs, so that cut down a little on the amount of work. But I’d say overall, I touched about 50% of the samples in every song.

      Tracking down the original samples would certainly be preferable, but that would take a ton of research and I have a feeling some of them were custom samples anyways–mixed and filtered uniquely by the composers. The drum loops for example were probably all comprised of other drum samples and then filtered with who know’s what settings. To me, trying to recreate samples would be the more painful option. 😄

      There’s a bit more info about this project in my latest blog if you’re interested.

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