The saying “No news is good news” doesn’t ever apply here. It’s more like “No news is lazy ass editors”. Que actually did some stuff; however he’s on summer break. 😕
As you can tell from the subject, I has a good deal to discuss. First off, I extracted two remarks from the newest PCG that I found int.
We were impressed, too, by how much Bridge Commander’s Lt. Felix Savali resembles The Rock.
As you may know from my Bridge Commander demo review, I also (very intelligently 😛 ) noticed the similarity.
Also, what’s the deal with the tactical officer looking like The Rock???
The second remark was by TheVede in a special Hard Stuff FAQ. He said that early in gaming when people were struggling to get playable fps, overclocking made sense, but with today’s hardware and games, it just doesn’t make clear sense. The P4 and Athlon XP with a GF3 or newer video card made it obvious that overclocking isn’t worth the stability problems. (Those are Greg’s general thoughts but I reworded it). For now, the hardware may be more advanced than the games but sooner or later, everyone will have to OC (unless you’re a spoiled fuck or have a good job) to maintain every precious frame.
Speaking of games, Jedi Knight 2 is amazing. I’m having trouble getting over the stale first five SP levels, but the MP is solid fun. Just like as I stated in my review, the lightsaber battles are absolutely brilliant. The multiplayer mode called Duel is my current favorite. At first, I started with giving the bots maximum available force powers but my ass got owned too much (it’s hard to concentrate on all the force powers when you still have to wield the saber). Now, I’m content with fighting Padawan bots that merely have Force Jump. It’s like you’re actually a jedi in training, having to master your lightsaber before mastering the force. Truly a unique gaming experience.

I remember that good old Morpheus. It was like taking candy from a baby (only you have to be careful, because sometimes it not really candy[those damn babies! 😕 ]). Anyways, KaZaA is 99% of what the old Morph was like. It’s almost funny how similar they look and function. Anyways, if you haven’t converted from Morph to KaZ, yet, then you should take my advice and get it soon.
Loog has a job. 😮 Yeh, I know, when Gr-Dragon heard, he said that the world must be coming to an end. But with this job, Loog has managed to (through common use of his mastery mooch ability 😛 ) obtain $350 for a new (Abit? Leadtek? [SenEd’s Note: Abit!]) GF4 [SenEd’s Note: Ti4600!]. Also, he bought a Netgear FS108 8-Port Switch for the next Surge event.
And Furthermore, us lead editors have 9 days left of the utter waste of good energy that you common llamas call school. What’s worse is we can’t buck anymore for these cocksucking 😮 truancy laws. 😡