Tag Archives: WordPress

Steam Widget in the Wild!

Steam Widget on WordPress.org

As I said I would last weekend, I got my new Steam Widget up on WordPress.org.  I still want to add some things like stats links and currently in-game, but I think it’s a good first release.

Also, I forgot to mention this in my last post, but it’s pretty cool still.  A German guy did a drum remix using my remastered versions of the Deus Ex UNATCO and Area 51 themes and posted them on Youtube a few months ago.  Check it out.

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Cursor Lock and Steam Widgets

I just did a quick update to Cursor Lock to fix a painfully obvious bug that I somehow overlooked.  Thanks to the person that googled “cursor lock strict mode does not create shortcut” today! 😉

Steam Widget

Also, I noticed you noticed my Steam widget.  I just added it over the weekend and people are already clicking through on the game links.  I did the widget based on my code for Sitewide Recent Images (more about that on my work blog), so it supports the same caching and template options, which the other two Steam widgets on wordpress.org failed at.  I hope to release it over the weekend.

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New Website for SnakeByte Studios

SnakeByte Studios 2012

Heeeey…I have a new website.  It’s very much a work in progress, but I needed to make it live now because it’d probably have been another year before I finished completely.  As I mentioned a couple posts ago, the new site is powered by WordPress.  However, I mostly scrapped the theme I was working on in favor of a heavily modified Twenty-Ten and Nivo Slider for a homepage header.  The theme is not too unlike an idea I’ve been playing around with on my work blog, which itself was inspired by another theme called Dusk to Dawn.

Besides the other reasons I gave for switching to WordPress in the aforementioned post, which in summary were:

  1. Visitor commenting
  2. Full-featured backend
  3. Familiarity from using at work

I also just don’t have time to code my own site from scratch anymore.  And this is fine—I get enough coding websites at work—and will allow me to focus more on posting and other projects.  Speaking of other projects, I finished another map for Company of Heroes over winter break.  It’s a remake of a map from the original Red Orchestra.  It’s also on FileFront.

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