the death of AG

so i come back to my computer, and what do i find? AG IS DEAD!! thats right, no more Audiogalaxy. Every song is blocked and the download system is ruined so that songs cannot even be sent directly. While I have yet to see hard evidence supporting the rumors, they are thus: The RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America),the nefarious demons responsible for the demise of Napster are responsible for AG’s death. As if they didnt have enough money. As of right now, i refuse to buy any cd that may benefit these self-important fat cats. I would suggest that all of you follow suit and not buy any ced that is not independently produced. Economic reprercussions are the only type these people understand. feel free to go to their site ( and spam. I think I am now going to go cry. If anybody finds a decent alternative to AG, please let me know….morph, Imesh, and Kazaa all suck, so dont suggest them.

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