I’m talking about the MOD for UT, you sick fucks. Anyways, I downed the 75MB full 2.86 install the other day, and I must say that INF is still surprisingly enjoyable. Even though there is still no scoring and hasn’t been updated in a year, I managed to get a ton of fun from downloading maps from the new RealMaps site. One maps that was particularly enjoyable (and I think every INF player should have) is DM-INF-RealAssault. It’s absurdly fun playing as either team against bots. I think I probably had a better time attacking, though. Running around barb-wire, half-tracks, and obstacles all while dodging mortar fire is extremely intense. Then, if one actually does get offshore and into the enemy trenches, you’re pretty much on your own against the entire enemy team. One time, I had actually used up all 4 of my Sig mags, 3 MP5 mags, and was down to just a Deagle in the trenches. The enemy was swarming all around me and I knew I couldn’t take them on with a pistol. So, I ran for a AKSMU by a fallen friendly. I actually did get the AK, but it only had 5 rounds left. I killed one enemy, but was gunned down by 4 more. Intense. 8)
Here’s some sreenage I got. The first is not from INF, but rather UT at Surge 2.7. It was really the only cool sshot I got from that Surge. The last two pics are from RealAssault.

I also review the Hitman 2 demo, although to much disapproval by Loog. It earned a 6. Read more here.