
Rebuilding the site has been slow so far. It’s partly because I’m new to PHP, but mainly from trying to flesh out the new design. Unbeknown to me before I decided to use PHP is that SSI does not work with PHP files. So no more virtual cgi calls (the PHP virtual() function doesn’t seem to work on this server either). So, I’ve had to transcode a few cgi scripts for logging, random quotes, and image viewing. Thus, those functions are working at this time. The image viewer script is going to take a while to implement, though. I’m probably going to make a quick and dirty VB.Net app to do regex replacements for image viewing urls, among other things.

I’m going to seriously be parsing through pages for months trying to get everything setup correctly and checking for broken links. Which reminds me, I also did a 404 error page that uses PHP. Hoping to help people find content as I add it, the error page forces itself into frames as many of the other pages do. And finally, I decided to do away with the old archived news pages (c. 2000-2001) by sticking the content from them into the new Coranto news database. They’ll be rather easy to spot, as we didn’t use subjects back then and I don’t have the time to summon up any. However, I’m pretty sure that I’ve lost any news pics from other old editors; so, if anyone has any of those, send them my way. By the end of the week, I should have the news completed and begun coding the new content system.

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