Jan 9, 2001

Ok, people, Snake wanted me to put up some news, so here it is: nothing’s going on in the clan, ‘cept for some UT multiplayer matches, so I’ll just give some personal news. Deus Ex kicks ass. I got it with my new sound card, and it’s awesome. I play like 3 hours of it a day. I love the inventory system, how you can pickpocket dead people, and all the ingenious gameplay of achievement-based rewards and different ways to get around. Anyway, my favorite part lately has been the voices. I just finished “Brooklyn Bridge”, where you have to search for the first ambrosia cannister, and there’s a gang upstairs, with El Rey as their leader. His henchmen say lots of cool phrases, and I’d like to present some of them to you. Make sure you have the MPP Plug-In first (I’m not giving the link, you should have it by now, or you must not know S&L very well). Heh. Now, this is a very big file, so just go masturbate or get some food or something and come back in a few minutes, and it should be playin’! So, enjoy!

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