Author Archives: Loogie

A Lesson Before DVDing

Wow, Loogie’s posting again 8) ! Yes… and I have good reason to. If you have not already read my latest journal blog, first do so here: DVD Shitz.

Now that that’s out of the way… I’d like to talk briefly about the possibilities for what to do with a DVD for personal use. They are the following (taken from a convo I had w/ someone about this):

1. Rip onto a hard drive, w/ menus and subtitles (much more space), mount w/ Daemon, to play w/ PowerDVD.
2. Rip and turn into an .AVI, w/ no menus or subtitles (less space), to play w/ any video program.
3. Rip and burn back onto a DVD+R, in DVD quality w/ menus and subtitles, to play in a DVD player.
4. Rip and turn into an .AVI, w/ no menus or subtitles, and burn back onto a CD-R (VCD) (has to be approx. 1:30 long maximum), to play in a DVD player.
5. Rip and turn into an .AVI, w/ no menus or subtitles, and burn back onto a CD-R (data) (has to be 640-870MB maximum), to play w/ any video program.

My journal described how to use DVD Decrypter’s ISO mode to copy a DVD and burn it back onto a DVD+R. However, I would like to add that experimenting w/ File mode (.VBOs) could be useful in separating large DVD movies (bigger than 4.7GB) onto multiple DVD+Rs. Also, you need to use IFO mode if you want to skip burning back onto a DVD+R and encode it straight to an .AVI. FlasK MPEG does a brilliant and easy job of this. Here are the apps required to rip a DVD and turn it into an .AVI:

I’d like to add that all of this is perfectly legal… as far as I know 😕 . Also, I’m sure there are other aspects of DVDs that I am yet to learn, which may modify what’s been explained here.

And, for closing: here’s the first part of the Productivity section of my TopLaunch© toolbar. I use these beloved 7 appz for all of my DVD/CD stuffz. Click for descriptions.

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Where’d Int Go?

Oh yeh, int never goes anywhere… it’s Loogie who left. Or… I ain’t leave, I just bucked on posting for a while 😛 .

So, as Snake already explained, I got DSL. But allow me to elaborate. It’s Sprint, it’s 1536/512 (down/up).. or, in non-bit-speaking-robot-speech, 192KB/s down and 32KB/s up… and it ownz 8) . Part of the reason I haven’t posted in a while is that I’ve been collecting 1337 screenshots for this post… but I’ll just use the ones I have.

In comparison to other S&L members’ Internets, this is how it goes:

Snake………. 56/33.6 Dialup
Quelog………. 640/272 DSL
Gr-Dragon………. 3000/400 Cable
Gandalf………. 56/33.6 Dialup, formerly Satellite*

*unknown speed… llama 😀

Whilst playing the networking card, I’ll mention that Snake and I just had Surge 2.7 a week ago. As his news suggests, it was lame, and we basically just watched Kazaaed movies and played NOLF/UT the whole time. However, I just bought a brand new Netgear 4-port DSL Router! And yes… this came from the fruits of my Big-T “flippin”. So, now, I got my DSL modem, router, and switch all hooked up. I wish I coulda taken a pic of this sweet networking stack, but I ain’t got a DCam, and Snake’s dad is a bastard. Excluding used ports, we now have 10 available ports for Surges… w/ that extra appeal of being able to use broadband Internet too 8) … so, SOMEONE ELSE JOIN SURGE, DAMNIT!!!

In other news… I reviewed the NOLF2 “teaser” demo… check it out in the topframe ticker.

Patches That Suck: Dungeon Siege 1.1, Morpheus 2.0, and Java VM 2.0. The first two only suck in the fact that they don’t fix their main flaws (DS still fucks up EAX, and Morpheus still DLs very poorly), but Java 2.0 is plain evil. It installs itself w/ Morph 2.0… and what it is is a background app that opens in the systray every time u open a site in IE w/ java applets… it’s annoying, and even makes applets look worse. So, my tip to u who have this: uninstall it… the program, and the “Web Start”.

Innovations That Own: Windows XP ClearType Tuning, AIM+, and ViPlay.
At MicroSoft‘s site, u can “tune” ClearType (the WinXP font smoothing technology) so it’s darker than what XP options allows u to make it. ClearType is designed for LCDs, so on a CRT monitor, it’s defaultly light and blurry… not anymore :) . Next: Aim+ is a boom AIM enhancer by Big-O Software. It allows u to make windows transparent (only for XP users, of course 😛 ), clone AIM to sign on to as many SNs u want at the same time, and, best of all, log all convos into an accessible database. Since this is a bit hard to find online, I’ve made it available from S–: here. Finally: ViPlay is an app that one of our staff members found. Who, u ask? I wonder… uhh…

gand says:
yes, through sheer dumb luck, I discovered the best divx player i’ve ever seen.

Oh, int. Yeh, u can adjust the aspect ratio, change the speed/pitch of movies, make bookmarks at certain parts, and a slew of many more very useful features. It also plays back DivX movies (and keeps the audio/video streams more in-sync) better than WMP. Since this is also hard to find, u can get it from S–: here.

So, there u go… Loogie’s news… look out for my next post next Spring 😛 .

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Pending Surge

Yesterday, I went to Best Buy and and bought (yes, actually bought! 😛 ) Soldier of Fortune 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and Serious Sam 2… both for my further entertainment of new DirectX8.1 games (w/ my DirectX8.1 video card 😀 ), and for more gaming boomage at the next Surge (not sure what exact #, but it’s 3.x) [2.6]. It’s scheduled for this Tuesday afternoon till Thursday afternoon. Depending on who comes, we have scheduled 3-5 people already, and would like more. I’m hosting it this time, so if u’re interested, ask me my address and such on AIM or MSN (I hate email :) )… my contacts are on my staff page on the nav to the left. My house’s power grid probably can’t handle more than a few PCs (one of those scheduled is a laptop, fortunately), but since 8 ppl probably won’t come anyway, whatever. We’ll be using the Netgear switch like before (I’m currently on the network right now), w/ straight-through CAT5/6 cable and NICs, and tons of games to either bring urself, or download from me in a matter of a few seconds.

Anyway, that’s all… b4ck-0n-th3-g4m|ng-sc3n3 L00g|3 is out.

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Problem Solved!- SNL’s Nick, the Computer Guy

Yeh… I fixed my game problem 😀 !!! HL, Q3, DS, and Unreal engines, as well as other games, all run now w/ absolutely no locking or blipping. None. How is this possible? Fuckin AGP-4x and shit, yo 😮 .

I just changed my BIOS’ AGP Mode from 4x to 2x (or, disabled 4x)… cause Snake and I’s NorthBridge chipsets don’t support 4x well at all. I had actually thought bout this before, but since it never posed a problem on my GF2 GTS, and enabling it, VIA 4X, and FastWrites w/ NVMax never did either, I hadn’t thought of it. But I figured that it couldn’t be a problem w/ my only-19-month-old mobo, and I knew games worked w/ Snake’s ViperII… so the mobo wasn’t the problem. So yeh… I kinda wasted $324 on a GF4 Ti4600 and $40 on new RAM (though the best video card available in the entire world isn’t exactly a “waste” to have 😛 )… and I won’t even bother to tell u all the other things I tried to get my games to work unsuccessfully.

So anyway, I’m back on the gaming scene. No more lockups @ Surges, and I can play any game in existence. This couldn’t’ve happened at a better time, either, since I just got my new 80GB HDD for unlimited game space 8) .

To initiate my gaming, I finished (almost) up an HL MOD I got off of the latest PCG disc called Half-Quake. It takes you through an insane asylum, and has some really int elements I’ve never seen in HL before. The menu screen text is all changed, so u have to basically guess as to what does what. “Die on…” is load game, “downstairs” is resume game, “internal error” is ok, and I forget the rest. There’s things like having to crowbar through 20 pieces of glass, maps where gunshots and creature sounds echo (making it quite scary if you’ve ever played a marines game like Opposing Force), and jumping through portals leading you to your seemingly imminent death. But above all was a level that made you the camera, onlooking a Barney guard (you) at a distance (modified 3rd person). You can still turn, move and jump… but you’re far away… it’s really int.

Problem is, if u save during this level and reload, u’re back to 1st person view until u leave a room 😕 . Well, out…

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Where’s Loogie been?, u ask? Well, I’ve just been chillin, not doin much cept workin and gettin 1337 new parts for The Wad2 (no, not 1,337 parts; it means leet, or “elite”, llama 😀 )… cause I can’t play games now w/out lockin… not sure why, pretty sure it’s my POS mobo… and me yesterday upgradin to WinXP Corp helped a bit… and KAZAA AND WINMX ARE THE BEST P2PS!!! Whatever, I need to start typing in structure before this sounds like a gandalf post 😛 .

Speaking of WinXP Corp, I just had a very intlol session @ snake’s house where we tried to install his queer modems 😮 under XP! Yeh… we tried for 5 hours, through loads of driver and IRQ errors, and snake finally got it…

-Snake, creator of Boom

Revision (12:30AM, 7/1/02): Notice my Tony Hawk 3 demo in the ticker above 8) .

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Music DB Backgrounds

Here’s a really short but imp post… I want ur opinion on something.

The way I revised the Music DB a few days ago, among other things, the tables in the results pages had a new background: a tiled remaking I made of Snake’s “such a tiny little hole” BG he posted about a few weeks ago. He made me change it back yesterday, cause it “didn’t match the rest of the site’s backgrounds”. I think it’s more exciting to look at than the plain water.jpg, which almost looks the exact same as the main page background. What do u think? E-mail me saying which u like better.

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