Weekend Site Mods

Just a few notes about some changes that have been made to the site. Expect the Win98 Tweak Guide to be available soon, too.

1. Fixed several issues with JavaScript compatibility in the top frame. Should work well with IE 4.0 and newer, now.

2. Added temperature readouts to the top frame. Why? Because nobody else has done it…I’m pionerring, damnit. It’s kinda int, too. 8) Also, other vital rig statistics are available by mousing-over the temps.

3. More quotes in the top frame.

4. Searches for databases are more exact when used with the name only checkbox.

5. Glossary hit 100 terms this week.

6. Glossary terms have images for the categories which they are in.

7. Some other stuff that makes being an editor here easier…which is why you should email me about becoming a contributing editor or use this nifty form to be a DemoBoard reviewer. 😉

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