Surge 2.1, NEW HL PATCHES!!!

Ok, so, we just had the 3rd beta for S&L Surge this weekend… and since I had to format to see if my video drivers would work afterward (which they didn’t), we didn’t do much. Played some CS (Gandalf was killed by an aspiring S&L member on ka_colosseum 😛 ) and SoFII demo (for about 15 minutes, as long as I could play w/out locking). Anyway, I’m gonna try installing WinXP today to see if that possibly fixes something, but if it doesn’t, I can’t review Freedom Force demo till I get a new video card 😡 .

Next and last… in the midst of the Surge, I missed the arrival of the NEW HL PATCHES!!! On the 24th, patches (update and full) for Half-Life v1109, and Counter-Strike v1.4, came out. Get em @ FilePlanet (links to them are everywhere on the front page); or, if you don’t want to have to wait in a line, or you’re having problems with IE security protocols, like me, go to FileFront. They’re only 11.6MB and 23.4MB! 8)

Revision (8:06PM): I just added another tweak to the Win98 Guide, under User-Interface.


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