DNS down, Kat returns! Part 2…? What the hell?!

Nope, there weren’t any major screw-ups that caused us to revert to some previous post (at least not this time,) but today Snake and Loogie‘s DNS is down, and Kat returned. Again.

Yes, it has been a day of freaky occurrences and coincidences. To start off with, there’s the obvious coincidence of the DNS failure and Kathleen’s return occurring on the same day, for the second time. Should be noted that the only two times the DNS has ever failed have been the days of Kathleen’s returns, and the only days Kathleen have ever returned on have been the days of the DNS failures. Whilst we were discussing the coincidence, Snake asked if I “knew the muffin man,” in allusion to the infamous Kathleen “Muffin Anyone?” Picture (which you will see below.) Freakily, I know a different Kathleen, whose AIM profile says “Do you know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man.” Furthermore, Snake, OOTB, mentioned something about Obi-Wan Kenobe. This is a freaky coincidence because another Kat in know (whose name is infact Kathryn) has a screen name based on Obi-Wan’s name. Were this an episode of Fraiser, this scene would have been called “Kats and Koincidences.”

On the Occurrence side of things, there has been unusual chick attention paid to numerous S&L Staff Members. These includes hair caressing, attitude shifts, and sexual references. Not that we aren’t all experienced, sexy bitches 8) , but this is out of the ordinary. Plus there have been lots of couples making out on all school campuses within S&L reconnaissance, so it must be “Spring Fever”… err… in May. All I know is I’ve got hay fever and about a dozen allergies, heh.

Anyways, on to the normal news. There have been numerous changes to the MOD DB, which is now the “Music DB,” and has been redesigned to include MP3 music in addition to MODs. Some new photos added to the Photo Album, too. Check them out under the Features menu on the nav. Aside from that, nothing much is up. I’m sure Snake or Loog will post as soon as the DNS is up again. Oh, I almost forgot. It’s that time of year again! You all remember what happened on the 15th of May, 2000, right? *cough* Well, I didn’t think you would. Even snake needed his memory jogged. Its the date I joined S&L! So, like… yeh.

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