Author Archives: Quelog

Lazy asses…

Well, its been way too long since anyone around here has made a news post! I would have been posting, but Snake neglected to give me a login…

Anyways, so yea. S&L. We’re the guys with the… um… badass site. So, news, news… ive heard that Loogie has a schweet new DSL installed. Snake’s been gaming, working on coding the S&L LANTALK program in delphi (it was in VB before.) Ive been busy being back at school so i havent had time to do much computer stuff. My classes this year include Networking, C++ Programming, and BASIC Programming, so it is a cool classload. I figure that if i make this post, the others will be forced to make followup posts or elaborations and explanations, so consider this a stimulator.. hehe.

Rock on, bitches!

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Virus alert…

Be sure to be on the lookout for the Klez worm. I wont go into detail about what this virus does, because im sure you can imagine it, but just remember to keep your Antivirus software up to date and not to open any emails that are not from specifically known persons. Find out more about it from Mcafee.

Theyre saying that this is even worse than SirCam, so its gotta be a real nasty bitch. Anyways, just be careful…

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Yes, you heard me right. I have fallen victim to the vicious! Incase you don’t know what it is, it’s this pay-by-click company’s thing that gets into your system and sets up new favorites, favorites folders, links all over your system, adds a bar to your browser, changes your home page to their site, adds their search page to the DNS error page, and a myriad of other annoying things. It’s sort of a bitch to get rid of, but I had an online guide, so it was okay. I got it from whilst i was there… um… searching for something legal. I.. uh.. got redirected.

Anyways, what a boring story, eh? Maybe you’ve noticed mine and Gr-Dragon’s demotions to Contributing Editors, and the subsequent removal of our CTTs. Didn’t really bother me though, because now I feel less obligated to do anything. I’ve been way busy lately with some personal things, but over summer, maybe ill redeem myself.

Anyways, I’m out of school in a week and all of my nerdy schoolwork and attendance has gotten me exempt from all of my exams… ahh, it’s movie day for the rest of the year for me! Rock on, bitches… and make sure to resist your school fascists, though, because a friend of mine got suspended for the last two weeks of school for having a picture on his website that mocked a member of the administration. We have to wear tags on campus, and you cant go anywhere (like, to the library before school to sit down) without a pass. Don’t let it happen to you too!

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DNS down, Kat returns! Part 2…? What the hell?!

Nope, there weren’t any major screw-ups that caused us to revert to some previous post (at least not this time,) but today Snake and Loogie‘s DNS is down, and Kat returned. Again.

Yes, it has been a day of freaky occurrences and coincidences. To start off with, there’s the obvious coincidence of the DNS failure and Kathleen’s return occurring on the same day, for the second time. Should be noted that the only two times the DNS has ever failed have been the days of Kathleen’s returns, and the only days Kathleen have ever returned on have been the days of the DNS failures. Whilst we were discussing the coincidence, Snake asked if I “knew the muffin man,” in allusion to the infamous Kathleen “Muffin Anyone?” Picture (which you will see below.) Freakily, I know a different Kathleen, whose AIM profile says “Do you know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man.” Furthermore, Snake, OOTB, mentioned something about Obi-Wan Kenobe. This is a freaky coincidence because another Kat in know (whose name is infact Kathryn) has a screen name based on Obi-Wan’s name. Were this an episode of Fraiser, this scene would have been called “Kats and Koincidences.”

On the Occurrence side of things, there has been unusual chick attention paid to numerous S&L Staff Members. These includes hair caressing, attitude shifts, and sexual references. Not that we aren’t all experienced, sexy bitches 8) , but this is out of the ordinary. Plus there have been lots of couples making out on all school campuses within S&L reconnaissance, so it must be “Spring Fever”… err… in May. All I know is I’ve got hay fever and about a dozen allergies, heh.

Anyways, on to the normal news. There have been numerous changes to the MOD DB, which is now the “Music DB,” and has been redesigned to include MP3 music in addition to MODs. Some new photos added to the Photo Album, too. Check them out under the Features menu on the nav. Aside from that, nothing much is up. I’m sure Snake or Loog will post as soon as the DNS is up again. Oh, I almost forgot. It’s that time of year again! You all remember what happened on the 15th of May, 2000, right? *cough* Well, I didn’t think you would. Even snake needed his memory jogged. Its the date I joined S&L! So, like… yeh.

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Another Review…

Review Fever seems to be sweeping the site, so in the spirit of things, I finally reviewed something. Plus Snake threatened to fire me. But don’t worry, i waited till the last moment 😛 .

So, yea, I reviewed Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, so go check it out. I havent got a screenshot for this news post, but the review explains that.

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Global Ops..

After school today, me and Gr-Dragon were cruisin the tech stores. We went to CompUSA and then BestBuy, and debated brands and whether or not the prices were highway robbery compared to online shopping (the agreement was that sometimes its just worth the extra few bucks to have the item in your hands immediately.) He was trying to get me to buy Serious Sam when i spotted Global Operations! With a “Sweetz0rz!” i grabbed it up. When i got home, i installed it (of course) and it runs pretty damn well. Great graphics, but the problem is that theyre too good. Its hard to know who to kill when its raining and dark outside, and everyone’s camouflage looks the same. Plus theres no map and no directions. Overall, it seems to me that this is exactly what TeamFortress2 was supposed to be like. I dont know if its a ripoff or what, but it wouldnt surprise me if TF2 got bought out or something and Global Ops is its incarnation. Anyways, im about to dive into MP, so ill report more about the game later…

Oh, yea, and BTW.. whilst i was away at school today, my parents got into my room and “cleaned” it! They threw away all of my precious junk and garbage! My slackers hovel is ruined! 😡

I Forgot about this….

I am an Asteroid.

I am a drifter. I go where life leads, which makes me usually a very calm and content sort of person. That or thoroughly apathetic. Usually I keep on doing whatever I’m doing, and it takes something special to make me change my mind. What Video Game Character Are You?

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