Author Archives: Quelog

Been awhile….

Seems that its been quite awhile since I’ve made a news post!

I’ve been having problems with Bastards lately.. such as with that Bastard game Medal of Honor. Don’t get me wrong.. its a great game. But it took me, like, days to get a site with good bandwidth for download (like, above 3k/s,) and even then i accidentally got the Multiplayer one instead of the Single Player one. So after i finally got the SP version, the goddamn thing crashed on startup every time. So i reinstalled it, and it was loading… sorta. It still crashed most of the time during loads, and kept on doing this thing where it didn’t let you use mouseaim because it kept the windows mouse in the game (it was a bug, you couldn’t move the cursor or anything,) and without the mouse, you cant quit… so it was always a restart (ctrl+alt+del didn’t work with the damn thing.) I cant exactly review it if it barely runs.. but ill give it a shot. That is, as soon as i can view Thumbnails on this site. Yep, that’s where the second Bastards come from… Sectorlink, our host, is a bunch of bastards. I get this error message from them about how i cant view thumbs because S&L is stealing bandwidth…. which it isn’t. So even after i go to the horrific process of registering for their forums, i cant even post for help! No permissions! Finally, i emailed them… and they didn’t ever fucking reply!!! Just like Bastard set number three,, the site i got my GF2 from. As you may remember from a previous post, they were supposed to contact UPS about how i got ripped off for shipping cost… they replied only to tell me that was supposed to email a different address (at their same domain.) Bastards never replied.. even though i complained over and over.

Anyways, once i get this thumbnail thing worked out, ill be able to make posts with pics.. i plan on a ghet intake fan (no, not a copy of Snake‘s; mine is ghetto because it will use a fan i “liberated” from a school computer) and do those reviews im supposed to do.

And we played a clan TFC game the other night… Snake was laggin out so he quit, then i sent Gr to tell him that we were just gonna mess and not play seriously, but i had unwittingly locked him (Gr) out by activating password mode (it was an accident.. besides, its his own fault for not knowing the PW.) So me and loog hung out.. it was pretty lame, because he didn’t get any of what i was trying to do and say.

Rock on, my loyal bitches!!

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Well, I would have simply Editor Noted Loogs post, but Snake disabled that function (arg, he’s totally goin Megalo with the site.) Que is pronounced “cue” by every text-speech program i could find, and they only think its prounced “kay” because they’re spanish-speaking mofos. So screw off!

But speaking of beta tests, i was selected to be a beta tester for Valve, so im currently testing CS 1.4, and the betas of HL, TFC, and DMC. Though im legally bound to nondisclosure, i can say that CS 1.4 is cooler than the existing.. um.. whatever version is currently out. Its a step forwards. Frag on, bitches!

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Ok.. its been, like, a week since anyone posted. I dont actually have anything to post about, but what the hell, eh? So.. um.. Snake changed around the topbar a little bit, and we’ve been having some… “problems” with the demoboard.

And.. um.. well, today in A+, i was trying to pry the Heatsink off of this old 486 DX chip, when the thing jabbed me in the thumb. Four perfect little holes on my thumb from the pins, it looked cool. ‘Course, i was mad about it, so i stole it 😮 so that i could destroy it. Should be fun. Oh, and Gr developed a fancy for the LED on this mobo on a computer we were working on.. so he tore the entire computer completely apart.. dont ask me what the correlaton between the LED and the complete disassembly was. Anyways, the teacher came by and told us that it was infact school property, that we were supposed to just be trying to fix it, not salvage it like we were doing to all of the other ones that day. So i walk off and im watchin other people doin shit, and i come back to see the table cleaned and the case loosely on the system. I was like “whaaa?” so then he showed me the inside.. the teacher had said to “put everything back in,” so Gr just stuffed pretty much random components into it and put the case on! I was like “um.. with screws!,” so he gets a handful of screws and pours em into it! LOL! And then the rest of the day sucked.. erm.. so thats my story.

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Well, great to see that everyone else is having such a wonderful time. I’ve been having a terrible time! First i’ve had to deal with my ISP. MSN and Qwest did some kind of merger of isp or something (more aptly described as MSN consuming Qwest) and so i had to change ISPs. I tried the switch immediately, and after i had sentenced Qwest to termination in 10 days, MSN wouldnt freakin recognize my account. After i threatened to use my super-stud power on it, it started working. But then i had to wait for the MSN software CD. As luck would have it, the goddamn software on the CD wouldnt connect to the internet. I was down to another few days of Qwest access. So after trying to figure out wtf was going on for about a day, i finally gave in and called the bastards. I had to wait on hold for about a half-hour, but the helper-person was actually quite nice and we got the problem sorted out in no time (the bubble-heads forgot to send me some crucial registration numbers.) I was finally connected to “MSN Powered by Qwest.” Of course, then, MSNs wonderful integrated BS started messing with me. Outlook Express couldnt get it through its thick code that i wanted two different address books, not one combination. The damn thing just wouldnt do it right, so i had to remove my stuff from OE so my parents could work it without getting my email and address book. In addition, their connection software is also jank. Theres the normal Windows connection thing, MSNs connection thing, and MSNs “connection manager” which also has a connection thing. So suddenly i can have conflicting reports about whether or not i am on the blinkin internet! It wont even let me disconnect some times! Furthermore, MSN and IE are bound together! If one is on, the other has to be too!

But thats nothing. After about a week, i got a letter from them saying that i will now get 10 free hours with a charge of $1.50 for every additinal hour! Thats not right! So i waited for about a week and a half before i called them, (i was too busy,) and sweated every second. Last night i finally got it sorted out.. the idiots worded the letter poorly; the deal is that you get those rates IN ADDITION to your normal account, so that you can connect from somewhere else (like from a laptop on a buisness trip.)

But still, theres the problems im having with UPS. I ordered a Inno3d GeForce 2 Ti Titanium 64meg DDR (with tv connection features) from It took them 5 days to send the order to UPS, which recieved the information on the 27th. My expensive 2nd Day Air shipment STILL hasnt arrived! Its the 3rd!

Just about the only flicker of good news (except for the fact that i dont owe msn $160 for connection rates) is that i might be getting rid of my 2 hour connection limit! The guy at tech support said that it was an old Qwest thing and that msn doesnt do that. So the guy sent the information to Qwest and i should be getting some information from them in the next few days.. either that or they will just fix it, in which case i simply wont disconnect at 2 hours. Pretty swooby, eh? Oh, and also, Valve got back to be about being a Beta Tester.. looks like im going to be working on CS 1.4 and all of the other pre-releases. Schweet!

Oh yeah, and i forgot to mention, my account is gone, and theres no account to take its place. They only give you one account and the rest are free hotmail accounts. Cheap!

Flash-Traffic Emergency Message!
Video Card Has Arrived! And im gonna call the bastards and get my 30 bucks back for 2 day air!!

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DNS down, Kat returns!

Looks like Snake and Loog’s ISP is suffering from DNS failure or something. Snake explains that a DNS is “domain name server,” the thing that changes a web address to an IP (like http://www.s– to whatever the IP is.) I dont know bout that shit, but it means that they, and the rest of their town, cant view webpages or use AIM or anything else that querys the DNS. Sucks for them!

On a mind-boggelingly higher magnitude of good news, Kathleen is BACK! Thats right, bitches, after over a year of complete disappearence, our collective girlfriend has returned! She says that she will be on once in awhile now, so i guess we can still keep in contact with her. What a freakin surprise.. im searching morpheus for another version of Planet of the Apes (the Heston version.. im not a fag,) because the one i have janks up bout 10 mins in.. and then suddenly someone signes on MSN.. “Kanadian Kiss”!! I was like meta-“wtf?!” It was her, allright.. we chatted for about an hour, but loog didnt want to talk to her for some unexplained reason, and Snake was off to the movies with Gandalf and Rachael. It was fun to update her, because she was surprised about everything.. she said that she has simply been busy with work and school, and that she had missed us. I hope its not another year before we talk to her again!

Oh yea, and i opened my bank account today. Im gonna invest some money in stocks and shit.. this ownz joo! I can just rap off some checks if i feel like it.. my card will get here in about a week or something…so, keep on maintaining your inferiority, my loyal fans!

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TFC Game..

Well, i had written a beautiful news post about tonights TFC game, but as i was changing the names of the SS’s to match the HTML i had written for the post, i fucking locked cold. This was just after i had copied the whole post incase IE crashed or something, and accidentally closed the posting window while looking at the JPGs. I had saved myself from a disaster, and was quite pleased with myself, when this bitch system *kicks it* decided to fuck with my mind. Anyways, heres a crappy remake of what was once a greatly composed news post…

So, yeh, we played a clan TFC game tonight. Snake, Loog, Gr-Dragon, and myself were there. 2 other actual people joined during the first 45mins, and one of them wanted to join the clan! Loog used his recruitment script, and it still had the old Geocities URL. LOL! Gr-Dragon quit after a little while because he had to eat, and Loogie quit soon after because he was lagging so badly that he had problems spawning, and couldnt move the rest of the time. After he quit, and bitched at me saying that my connection sucked, he found out that he had forgotten to pause his Rogue Spear download from Morpheus. What a dumbass! After all of the llamage had left, me and Snake rocked the bots for bout an hour. For the last half-hour, we occupied the enemy roof in Well as Engies. When Snake reached 100 frags on that map, he quit.. and so concluded the TFC game. Whats funny is that about 15 seconds after he quit, my window popped up telling me that i had to reconnect in 10 mins.. what timing! Here’s the Screenshots…

And theres the end…

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