Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Problem Solved!- SNL’s Nick, the Computer Guy

Yeh… I fixed my game problem 😀 !!! HL, Q3, DS, and Unreal engines, as well as other games, all run now w/ absolutely no locking or blipping. None. How is this possible? Fuckin AGP-4x and shit, yo 😮 .

I just changed my BIOS’ AGP Mode from 4x to 2x (or, disabled 4x)… cause Snake and I’s NorthBridge chipsets don’t support 4x well at all. I had actually thought bout this before, but since it never posed a problem on my GF2 GTS, and enabling it, VIA 4X, and FastWrites w/ NVMax never did either, I hadn’t thought of it. But I figured that it couldn’t be a problem w/ my only-19-month-old mobo, and I knew games worked w/ Snake’s ViperII… so the mobo wasn’t the problem. So yeh… I kinda wasted $324 on a GF4 Ti4600 and $40 on new RAM (though the best video card available in the entire world isn’t exactly a “waste” to have 😛 )… and I won’t even bother to tell u all the other things I tried to get my games to work unsuccessfully.

So anyway, I’m back on the gaming scene. No more lockups @ Surges, and I can play any game in existence. This couldn’t’ve happened at a better time, either, since I just got my new 80GB HDD for unlimited game space 8) .

To initiate my gaming, I finished (almost) up an HL MOD I got off of the latest PCG disc called Half-Quake. It takes you through an insane asylum, and has some really int elements I’ve never seen in HL before. The menu screen text is all changed, so u have to basically guess as to what does what. “Die on…” is load game, “downstairs” is resume game, “internal error” is ok, and I forget the rest. There’s things like having to crowbar through 20 pieces of glass, maps where gunshots and creature sounds echo (making it quite scary if you’ve ever played a marines game like Opposing Force), and jumping through portals leading you to your seemingly imminent death. But above all was a level that made you the camera, onlooking a Barney guard (you) at a distance (modified 3rd person). You can still turn, move and jump… but you’re far away… it’s really int.

Problem is, if u save during this level and reload, u’re back to 1st person view until u leave a room 😕 . Well, out…

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Where’s Loogie been?, u ask? Well, I’ve just been chillin, not doin much cept workin and gettin 1337 new parts for The Wad2 (no, not 1,337 parts; it means leet, or “elite”, llama 😀 )… cause I can’t play games now w/out lockin… not sure why, pretty sure it’s my POS mobo… and me yesterday upgradin to WinXP Corp helped a bit… and KAZAA AND WINMX ARE THE BEST P2PS!!! Whatever, I need to start typing in structure before this sounds like a gandalf post 😛 .

Speaking of WinXP Corp, I just had a very intlol session @ snake’s house where we tried to install his queer modems 😮 under XP! Yeh… we tried for 5 hours, through loads of driver and IRQ errors, and snake finally got it…

-Snake, creator of Boom

Revision (12:30AM, 7/1/02): Notice my Tony Hawk 3 demo in the ticker above 8) .

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AOK, JaguarPC, ADSL, and Int

All the boys at S&L have been playing a fucking load of Age of Kings, lately; in particular, the expansion, The Conquerors. It’s just too much fun building up your civilization and then kicking ass (usually Loog’s 😛 ). I’ve also made a couple of maps that should be available soon on the site. One was quite int and lead to a four hour free-for-all between Que, Loog, and myself. I call that map “Atolls” but I believe it deserves the subtitle of “Find that last Goddamn Villager!”. I’ve notice a trend in all of our recent AOK games, though: I always win. 😀 (Except when you set the AI to moderate on an island map.) Screenage:

Now, about the JaguarPC business: S&L is changing its web host to Jaguar, the same host that Gr-Dragon uses for his site on playing RPGs with cards (I’d give you a link but that shit is for overly-nerdy simps 😀 ). Either way, expect the site to be in a rather int state for a few days. We’ll still be at S–, though!

As for Sectorlink, I hope they go out of business. They really did fuck me royally. It just took me a while to notice cause it was such a slow affair. A glimpse at what we can offer with JaguarPC: subdomains (surge.s–, anonymous FTP, PHP w/ MySQL databases (may mean a recoding of the entire Demoboard, Glossary, etc.), and much more space (200MB) to give you even more of that S&L taste you love. 😉 Not only that but it costs less, so now I can get…

DSL! That’s right, Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Lines are becoming available in this rat hole! 😮 I dunno about the surrounding towns getting DSLAMs but who gives a fuck about them when you can download shit at least ten times faster! 😀

-Loogie, creator of Int

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Demo Review Bonus SShots

As you may have already seen from the ticker, I reviewed Dungeon Siege. It’s one of the few demos that I have given a 10, and it really deserved it. Check out the review here. Of course, there’s only 3 sshot slots in the reviews, so here’s some additional eye candy for you to suck on:

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the death of AG

so i come back to my computer, and what do i find? AG IS DEAD!! thats right, no more Audiogalaxy. Every song is blocked and the download system is ruined so that songs cannot even be sent directly. While I have yet to see hard evidence supporting the rumors, they are thus: The RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America),the nefarious demons responsible for the demise of Napster are responsible for AG’s death. As if they didnt have enough money. As of right now, i refuse to buy any cd that may benefit these self-important fat cats. I would suggest that all of you follow suit and not buy any ced that is not independently produced. Economic reprercussions are the only type these people understand. feel free to go to their site ( and spam. I think I am now going to go cry. If anybody finds a decent alternative to AG, please let me know….morph, Imesh, and Kazaa all suck, so dont suggest them.

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Music DB Backgrounds

Here’s a really short but imp post… I want ur opinion on something.

The way I revised the Music DB a few days ago, among other things, the tables in the results pages had a new background: a tiled remaking I made of Snake’s “such a tiny little hole” BG he posted about a few weeks ago. He made me change it back yesterday, cause it “didn’t match the rest of the site’s backgrounds”. I think it’s more exciting to look at than the plain water.jpg, which almost looks the exact same as the main page background. What do u think? E-mail me saying which u like better.

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